Have you ever been
at a point in your life where you felt you were going through the fire? As you put out one flame another flares? Or you simply feel like the old saying, “If it is not one thing, it’s another!”
Well you are not alone. At one point or another, you will feel as if you are going through the fire. But you can rejoice! Know even as you go through the fire God is right there with you and you will not be burned!
God will deliver you
In Daniel 3, it speaks about three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to bow down to a golden image created by King Nebuchadnezzar. As a result they were casted into the fiery furnace. But even as they were casted away, they were confident that God would deliver them even from this!
See the problem through God eyes
Do you believe God is able to deliver you from anything? How do you react when walking through flames? With fear? Or hope? Although these men were in a fiery furnace, which was heated seven times more than normal (Daniel 3: 19), they still believed they served such an awesome God that He can do anything!
You will not be burned
The king was amazed to see a forth person among them, it was God who was with them the entire time (Daniel 3:24). And although they were in the fire, they were not burned and not one hair on their heads harmed (Daniel 27)! Do you understand how powerful this is? This tells us no matter what we go through not only will God be with you but it will have no power over you!
Simply put- you will not be burned!! Remember: God is waiting on you!