As we go through this thing call life, there are some situations we simply think are dead, and we believe will always be this way! But we have to be careful about this type of belief. No matter what we are facing, things can and will turn around, but it is only through faithful prayer.
Prayer has power
Nothing shows us this better than the story of Hezekiah. He was visited by the prophet Isaiah, who instructed him that he would surely die (Isaiah 38:1). Wow, imagine getting this kind of news. How would you react? Would you simply ball up and accept the bad news? Or would you begin to pray? Many times, we obtain bad news and begin to panic. No matter if we have been walking our faith walk for a while or just starting our journey, all of us sometimes fall victim to worrying first and praying later. When Hezekiah received the bad news he decided to take his issues to God in prayer (Isaiah 38: 2).
Remind God
When you are going through something, ask God for mercy and remind Him of the good works you have done before God. This is not to say God doesn’t know, but merely asking for His grace and compassion to answer your prayers. Not only did Hezekiah begin to pray, but he also reminded God of his walk with Him (Isaiah 38:3).
God will hear you
The way to get God’s attention is simply through prayer. Prayer allows us to communicate with God. It is then God begins to hear us and answers our petitions. It is not only our strongest weapon but also the way we communicate with God.
It was through prayer that Hezekiah was able to reverse his death sentence. After Hezekiah sought God through prayer and reminded Him of his deeds, then the Lord answered him (Isaiah 38:4-5). He not only answered him, but he added fifteen years to his life! What do you need God to change in your life today? Seek God through prayer and quiet time, remind Him of His promises and your walk with Him. Lastly believe that God will not only hear but also answer your prayers!
Remember: God is waiting on you!
Kemberley Washington is the author of 21 Days of Powerful Breakthroughs.