My son has his two month checkup today. Ahead of his appointment, his doctor asked us to answer a few questions. All of the questions were pertaining to our son’s growth. Does he follow you with his eyes? Is he cooing? Does he smile back at you when you smile? The purpose of each question was to evaluate his growth and to each question, there were only two choices – yes or no. There was no space for any explanation. Either yes, this is evident in his growth or no, it isn’t.
What if God gave us a monthly checkup to examine our growth? Where we can’t explain “what had happened was” but we must answer yes or no. Are you following me in faith? Are you praying? Do you forgive others as I have forgiven you?
Babies are immature physically and mentally but they are not expected to stay that way. They should develop and grow and if they don’t, there’s a problem. Well, the same expectation is held for us spiritually. Ephesians 4:14-15 in short says “Be no longer children, but grow up in Christ.”
It is no shame to be a baby, if you were born like my son, two months ago. But if you have been a child of God for several years and you’re not growing, then there’s a problem. Today, make a commitment to do more so you can grow more! And when you grow in God, God will grow in you!