God will answer your prayers!
Sometimes when we pray, it may feel like God is not hearing us. However, please know, that this is what the devil wants us to believe. I can ensure you that God is not only hearing our prayers, but will answer each one.
We have to remember God desires us to come to Him. Not only for the big things but also for the small things. God says in His Word, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).”
During this past week, I really needed God to not only hear my prayers, but work on my behalf. So I began to seek Him like no other. God kept giving me the following scripture:
Jeremiah 33:3, which reminds us to call upon Him.
I would open my Bible day after day and there it was, standing out among the other verses.
And I have to tell you, the “human desire” in me wanted to call upon everyone to see if they could help me. But God kept telling me to call upon Him. So I did.
Quietly, I began to focus my thoughts on Him.
Quietly, I began to call out His name.
Quietly, I began to recite the names of God.
I prayed, “Jehovah Nissi, I need You! I need You to give me victory. I need You to not only hear my prayer but work everything out on my behalf!”
And guess what? Not only did He hear me, but He gave me a victory I couldn’t ever imagine!
As I continue on this Christian walk, my faith is getting deeper and deeper. I am getting to a place where I believe there is nothing, not one thing too hard for God. And yes, I know that sometimes in this life we may face some situations. However, I am learning more and more each day, I do not have to worry. These are not my battles to fight but they are God’s (2 Chronicles 20:15)! And in everything, we will win, if we simply place our trust in Him!
We simply have to call upon Him!
I know you have your best friend to call, your spouse, child or colleague, but God is asking us to call upon Him. It is when we call upon Him that He will not only hear us but answer our prayers!
Who are you calling?