When the UPS driver pulled up, we were excited because what we ordered was finally here. As the driver walked toward the house, he noticed the sign placed in the front window that reads, “I cover my home with the blood of Jesus to protect all occupants and possessions from all evil.” That sign has been there for years. Most of the time, I forget it’s even there.
I’ve noticed people read it before but aside from receiving strange looks, no one has ever initiated a conversation but this driver. That sign was a sign for him to share with us his encounter with Jesus Christ and how his life went from suicide to surrender all because one day he decided to just give Jesus his heart.
What’s your story?
How did you come to know Jesus Christ?
Every Christian has a testimony and when we tell other people what God has done for us, we are sharing it.
You may have a dramatic story where you were delivered from an addiction or you may not have one so dramatic. However, you do have a story and that story is still significant because it points back to Jesus Christ and you can’t keep that to yourself. Because the fact of the matter is all of us were sinners hopelessly separated from God. BUT God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Not only are you telling others what He has done for you but what He could do for them too. Who knows? Your story just may be the key that can unlock someone else’s prison. Share it…