It wasn’t long that I knew the power of the Holy Spirit. I always prayed and ask God for guidance but neglected to call upon the Holy Spirit. When I tapped into this awesome power, things were revealed to me and I began to change my walk from not knowing what to do, to moving in God’s spirit and direction for my life.
I can recall visiting a church and the pastor asked that we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers. I began to silently ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me about the person next to me for whom I was praying. Shortly after my prayer, I began to tell her words God had given me. He instructed me to tell her, “Not to worry, but her three children will be saved.” This was powerful! I had never met the woman before but the Holy Spirit through God revealed to me she had three children!
Since that moment, I began to learn about the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit provides us with the following principles for everyday life:
He obtains His authority from God (John 16:13)
So, see the Holy Spirit is not acting on His on behalf, but first He checks in with our Father to tell us exactly what to say or do. He guides us into all truth, so we can discern from an “okay” decision to the best decision.
He will be with us forever (John 14:16)
Remember, we don’t have to tackle life’s decisions alone. Throughout life, we can obtain comfort knowing we have someone who is here to guide us forever. He promises to be our comforter and to always be with us.
He will bring things to your remembrance (John 14:26)
This is really my favorite and really my secret weapon:) Whenever I am taking a test, speaking in front a group, or simply need to determine what to do next, I ask the Holy Spirit to bring to my remembrance all that I need to know to move forward. This has been powerful in my life. I can recall taking an examination and attempting to answer a question. At the time, I could not recall the answer. I quickly called on the Holy Spirit to help me. Do you know I was able to find the right answer?
We can know what has been giving to us by God (1 Corinthians 9:12)
In life, you may be given many different choices and selections, but there is only one perfect plan God has already orchestrated for your life. This plan is better than your eyes could ever imagine or your ears have yet to hear (1 Corinthians 2:9). But it isn’t until we surrender our wills and choices to that of God, by constantly putting ourselves in a place to listen to the Holy Spirit are we able to receive.
You will be faced with many choices, we can be able to decipher from what God has intended for us to have. Sometimes, we say, “I don’t know what to do,” but I will warn you, you do not have to say this any longer. God has already given us the Holy Spirit so we can know what choices has been given by God.
Walk in the spirit, not in the flesh and He will show you which way to go, where to turn, how long to stay and when to run away!
Remember: God is waiting on you!
Kemberley Washington is a certified public accountant and author of 21 Days of Powerful Breakthroughs. If you like this post, please like it, love or tweet it and subscribe!