Scripture Reading: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son…..”
(John 3:16)
How do you recognize real and true love?
Love is gentle, love is kind, love is patient and love is not easily provoked, love doesn’t seek to hurt (1 Corinthians 13). I would add, real love uplifts, protects, compliments, and seeks the best no matter what. Love is not perfect, but love is forgiven, love is not always agreeable, but always willing to work it out. And more importantly, love is more than lust and worldly things, and doesn’t changed because of feelings, “true love” loves no matter what!
Real love recognizes real love
Many times people find themselves in relationships that doesn’t demonstrate true love. Whether it is an abusive, ungodly, or hurtful relationship, we have to recognize this is not of God. Since God is love, our relationships should reflect God’s love through its acts of kindness, thoughts and actions. For God love us so much, He allowed His only begotten son to suffer and die on the cross for our sins. And although there is no love like the love of God, we should not have to question true love here on earth.
You first must love Him
No relationship can survive without God as the foundation. Yes, it may work for awhile, but it will never be able to stand the test of time. Before you can truly love, you first must fall in love with God. It is through His love that you are able to love and are capable of being loved. Falling in love with God requires spending time with Him, just as any relationship requires. We have to first get to know God, so we can also understand His will and desire for our lives.
Understanding this concept, I began to seek God each and everyday of my life by simply falling in love with my creator. I would take an hour of my day to just spend time and hear from Him. This small exercise has given me peace, clarity and the ability to demonstrate His love through acts of kindness and selflessness. More importantly, it has created a friendship with God that is truly invaluable.
Real relationships aren’t questionable
See, love shouldn’t have to be questioned, real love does not leave doubt in your mind. So my question for you, do you love to be unloved?
If you find yourself running from true relationships to “counterfeit ones,” ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart and mind to be able to receive true love from rightful relationships God has already ordained. Also, ask the Holy Spirit to help you fall in love with yourself. When you truly love yourself, you will also attract real love and remove yourself from relationships that are not of love. Remember, God is love and He wants nothing more for you but real love here on earth!
Kemberley Washington is the author of 21 Days of Powerful Breakthroughs.