I’ll be the first to admit it. You know…the hard truth.
The fact is, I have been walking this walk for a while but now I am finally walking in His truth. I fully accepted Christ in my early twenties but I guess you could really call me a babe in Christ then.
While I was always upbeat and positive, the fact remains I really didn’t know the true power of God.
You may be in the same place. You may believe that God can do some things but not everything. You may believe that the promises are reserved for others but not yourself. However, this is a trick of the devil. John 10:10 reminds us the devil comes to kill and destroy, but Christ comes so that we can have life and more of it!
Every promise in the Bible is for every single believer. Yes! Every one.
So what do you really need from God? Do you believe He is able and capable of doing the impossible in your life?
I promise He can! I am a witness. And it is not just the material things He can change, but He can change your heart, circumstances and situations in a moment.
Yes, just like that.
So yes, I have been walking this walk for a while. But now I finally know the truth. I know that God’s promises are yes to all who come to Him (2 Corinthians 1:20)!
Now, as I walk this walk…I walk it confidently more and more each day. Because I now know that I serve a God that is able and capable to do all that I could ever think (Ephesians 3:20). Yes, I am walking in His power and more importantly standing on His promises.
What about you?
Prayer Starter: God you are such an awesome God! I stand on your word and promises for my life. I thank you for all of your promises and today I declare each one shall come to pass (call out scriptures that relate to your issues). I speak these promises into the atmosphere! I believe these promises shall come to pass!
Remember: God is waiting on you!
Kemberley Washington is the author of 21 Days of Powerful Breakthroughs.