On my way to work I encountered a woman who was looking for a cigarette. She walked up to a man on the street with us and asked him did he have an extra cigarette he could give her. He said yes. He gave it to her and walked on. I thought to myself, “How did she know he was a smoker? He wasn’t smoking. And not that I was jealous but why didn’t she ask me?” I realized she didn’t ask me because she couldn’t tell that I was a smoker but she could tell that he was.
When people look at you what can they tell you are? I know what they see in church but what do they see when you’re in the streets? On your job? In the mall? In the gym? Based upon your actions can they tell you’re a Christian? Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of God. When people see us they should always see characteristics that remind them of Christ. They should see joy, patience and peace when they see us. They should receive encouragement and most importantly love from us. For what people can tell, they will tell so make sure you’re telling them about Jesus Christ everywhere! Don’t say I didn’t tell you!