There are many times we set our eyes on the prize, but as life gets the best of us, we tend to somehow stray off course. Whether we are pursuing a higher degree, reaching a financial goal, seeking to have a better relationship with God or whatever our goals are, we are bound to hit rocky roads.
But we have to remember, just as you know where you want to go, the Devil does as well. Because of this, he will do anything in his power to get you off course and prevent your vision from coming to pass.
So, how do you keep going when it simply looks like it will not work out? Simply put – you have to sometimes allow yourself to quit but simply do not retire! Yes, take a break if you must; take time for yourself, and commit to refuel and revitalize your vision, but no matter what simply do not give up!
If you find yourself in a place where you have given up and feel that all hope is lost, it is time to refuel your vision. Begin today asking God to give you the grace to finish this race. He makes it clear in His word, there is no vision given to us without the provision to achieve it. We simply have to ask Him for the endurance to keep going.
Have you given up on a vision God has beckoned into your spirit? Stand firm today declaring you will not give up, but you will bring your vision to completion. He says in His Word, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof” (Ecclesiastes 7:8).
It is time you see your vision to completion!
Kemberley Washington is the author of 21 Days of Powerful Breakthroughs.