One of the games I remember playing when I was younger was checkers. In this game, you have an opponent and your opponent’s goal is to capture all of your checkers or position his pieces so that you are placed in a position where you have no available moves.
Just like in checkers, all of us have an opponent- the enemy, the adversary whose ultimate goal is to capture all of our pieces, to take away all of our joy, all of our peace, all of our confidence and all of our contentment. To get us placed in positions where we think we have no available moves. However, thank God that we serve a God who always has another move!
Whatever situation you may face today, tomorrow or years ahead, never assume that you’re stuck where you are. With God, you can move forward but you have to trust in Him and allow Him to direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). You need His direction in order to overcome the enemy’s tactics because a move is not good move, unless it’s a God move. The sooner you realize that, not only can you move forward, but you can move pass the enemy and claim the victory!