I’ll be the first to admit, that I’m a tad bit OCD when it comes to cleaning. God has just blessed me with the throw away gift. My husband says he feels like if he doesn’t be careful, one day I could throw him away! We laugh about this all the time but the spiritual reality is, many times we hold on to things that God is asking us to get rid of…Unhealthy relationships, old clothes, stressful jobs, bad friendships or sometimes just our past.
Take the time and evaluate your life. Ask yourself is there anything in my life that I am holding on to that I know God wants me to let go of? I don’t need it. I don’t use it. Yet, I still have it because I like knowing that it’s there and I can’t let it go. My friend, God wants to you get rid of the old stuff. Not because He’s a taker but because He’s a giver! He wants to bless us with new stuff!! Purposeful relationships, new clothes, job security, faithful friends and a promising future! (Isaiah 43:18-19). But first, we have to trust Him and let go!